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  • Dr. Liz Homan


The power of chiropractic has been something that has always amazed me and at times I lose sight of just how powerful it is because I have come to accept that these changes are just normal.

Basically, I have come to Expect Miracles.

I am not surprised when a baby who was straining to poop, and would only poop every other day, has at least one poop a day and mom didn’t even know it happened…

I am not surprised when a pregnant mom who struggles to go up and down the stairs now does it without notice, and is even able to carry the laundry up…

I am not surprised when a couple has been struggling to conceive for a long time are now able to get pregnant and have a healthy pregnancy…

I am not surprised when the weekly migraines completely disappear, and the patient is able to live their life to their fullest…

I am not surprised when the baby who is not able to turn their head both ways is now doing amazing with head control, lying on their tummy and looking all over the room…

I am not surprised when a mother is able to have the intervention free birth that she desired because her baby is in optimal birthing position…

I am not surprised when the child that is on the spectrum is more well behaved and has less outbursts, is able to rest with east and is happier overall…

I am not surprised when the pain that people have experienced for years just completely disappears and they are able to really enjoy life…

I am not surprised by these things because they have become my normal! I am so used to seeing results like these and so many others during a single day of patient care because these are the results that patients have been sharing with me for years!

These results are possible after patients received specific chiropractic adjustments and they have the power to change lives!

And not just the lives of one person, but the lives of the entire family!

When your baby is able to rest better, you rest better!

When mom is able to do laundry without pain, the whole family is benefited!

When dad no longer has headaches, he is more helpful and present!

When big brother is more calm and pleasant, the entire family is at ease!

This is the power of chiropractic and even though I have come to expect these miracles, I am so grateful that they continue to come and thank God everyday that He put me on this planet to do this amazing work!

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