When we go through changes in life, we need to re-evaluate what is necessary to keep on with and what it is now time to let go of for a season.
Sometimes we think that we need to continue on with certain actions because of a pervious commitment, but I am here to give you permission to make a change and maybe release something that no longer serves you!
I have had to do this quite a bit through this pregnancy and it was more difficult for me at first, but now, if there is something that is no longer serving me or my family directly, it is time for it to go. I know that this is just a season and that after baby arrives, I can pick up some of my previous habits and tasks when we are in our new routine.
So, is there anything that you are needing to release at this current time?
For me, it is weekly blog posts… so this will be the last post for awhile… it is a short one too, because I am tired…
I am sure I will get back to a place of doing this weekly once baby is a little older, but for now, making rest and family time a priority is of more importance for me than sending out these weekly posts.
So, I have enjoyed being in your inbox weekly, and know that I will be back, but for now, enjoy reading through previous posts that are full of so much information!