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Dr. Liz Homan


We all have tools in our life that make doing the jobs that we need to get accomplished done in an easier way. I mean thank goodness for the dishwasher and the washing machine, right? 😉

Well, I use an awesome tool in the office on every patient that I see. It is my nervo-scope!

A nervo-scope, or scope, is used to read the skin temperature around the spine, or in the paravertebral tissue and this allows me to identify, very specifically if a subluxation is present.

When a subluxation is present within the spine it produces a temperature change on the body’s surface. A scope reads and compares the right side nerves to the left side nerves and by comparing them bilaterally, it picks up on the temperature differences. These temperature difference cause the pointer on the scope to do a sharp deflection back and forth.

Once I see a deflection, I commonly go over the area multiple times to make sure that it is an actual subluxation and not changes in the muscular tissue along the spine. When it is determined that a reading from the scope is present, I place a small mark on your spine at that level and continue to scope the rest of the spine.

I love using the scope for a few reasons. The first and foremost is that it gives me a level of confidence that I do not think I would have without it. I know that at the areas that I get a scope reading that there is nerve involvement indicating a subluxation present and that by removing the subluxation at that level, a positive impact will be made for the patient’s spinal health.

Another reason I love it is because without even talking to a patient about the exact level of their discomfort, the scope is able to identify right where there is involvement. I cannot count the amount of times that I have had a patient tell me, “yes, that is exactly where the pain is” when I place the mark on their back while scoping.

And the final reason I love the scope is that I can use it on all ages! That means the two-week-old that comes in for latch issues to the pregnant mom that is experiencing sciatic type pain all get scoped before getting adjusted. When working with babies, I am not able to directly communicate with them on what may be a little tender to them, but the scope allows for me to pick up where there is nerve involvement and be as specific as possible to addressing their little spine.

We are so lucky to have people constantly developing tools to make our life easier and I am ever so grateful to have my scope to use in the office everyday to allow me to serve my patients to the best of my ability!

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