Wow, what a busy time of year it is! I know you know what I am talking about!

This weekend we have so many things on our calendar and to be honest, I am feeling a little overwhelmed by everything. But then I did a few simple things:
I took a few deeps breaths!
Helpful beyond measure and has so many amazing health benefits! 😊
I looked at all of the things that we have (nutcracker performances, Santa visits, Church events, family in town) and realized that even though it is a lot, these are all things that will bring me immense joy!
These are things that we CHOOSE to do!
We do not NEED to do any of them!
Honestly, we could skip out on them, or even cancel plans if we truly needed to… but I want these things!
We agreed to them, and I know that even though it is a lot, it will be fun!
Ask for Help!
Just simple things, but by allowing others to step up and take part of the load off of what I need to do is so freeing!
Some simple things that I have done is asked Kyle to take over on certain tasks completely, and to possibly have him do one of the events with the girls on his own so that I can have a break.
So this is your reminder as the Christmas season is quickly approaching, that if you are feeling overwhelmed, look at what is truly going on!
If you are committed to too much, cancel something, ask for help and make sure to continue to breathe through it all!
If you love all that you have on your schedule, bring that to your awareness, ask for help and breathe through the busyness!
It really is a magical time of year and to see the joy on the girls’ face is why we do all of this!
Make sure you find the magic in the busyness!
It is there!
You just need to look for it!